Zoe Lefkofridi, Joint Jean Monnet – Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute, invited speaker at our Summit on the economization of the political project of a European Union, was invited to “The Debate” on FRANCE24 TV station on 9 July…
Zoe Lefkofridi, Joint Jean Monnet – Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute, invited speaker at our Summit on the economization of the political project of a European Union, was invited to “The Debate” on FRANCE24 TV station on 9 July…
Parts of our concert can be viewed and listened to at youtube. Use that link for the English version and that for the Russian one. That video contains miniatures and an etude of genetic musical tunings by Ivan Soshinsky. These…
Now we can announce that those abstracts that fulfilled the criteria for publication have been published. All of them have been assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Follow that link.
A radio feature. In: matrix – computer & neue Medien, oe1, ORF, Sunday, 21 June, 2015. Currently available at http://oe1.orf.at/programm/407404. (When expired, go to our site on Articles and reports.) With interviewees Christian Fuchs und Rafael Capurro, both part of the Summit.…
New issue of Cybernetics and Human Knowing published. Vol. 22, No.1, 2015 contains among others a discussion of Kun Wu’s philosophy of information co-authored by Liqian Zhou and Søren Brier and an article on machine knowing by Joseph Brenner –…
If you attended the Summit and held a presentation, and if you do not only want your abstract being published but also your presentation, just send a mail to rordorf@mdpi.com, refer to your manuscript number “sciforum-00….” and attach a pdf of…
The next Summit will be held in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2 years from now. New ISIS President, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic, will chair it. Click on the picture to see Gordana’s presentation of the next venue. See below the promotion video “This is Gothenburg”.
Some sessions have been streamed. Now you can look at the recorded videos under the menu point “Media”: click here. The Day One at AudiMax was recorded. On Days Two and Three some of the morning sessions were recorded. The…
Journalist Mariann Unterluggauer who attended our conference wrote the following report on our Summit (in German only): (photo: Deutschlandfunk) Click on the picture to link to the article. Vist also our site on articles and reports.
“If we want stakeholders to become designers actively engaging in socio-technical system development they need adequate support”, says Christian Stary. He is Professor at the Department of Business Information Systems, Kepler University of Linz, Austria, and co-organised a track on self-organized work-systems. Stary informs us about an…