Problems of social information processes


In general


Wolfgang Hofkirchner Information for a Global Sustainable Information Society


China and the global information society. A West-East-discourse
Paper sessions
Moderators Robert M. Bichler and Thomas Herdin

How do we want to live and how do we get there? Taking the ‘convivialist manifesto’ as a starting point
Frank Adloff and Marc Humbert
Speeches and discussion

Transforming systems through design
Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Thomas Fundneider, Holm Friebe, Liss C. Werner
Speeches and discussion
Moderator Stefan Blachfellner


Problems of cultural information processes


Patrick Brodeur (tba)


As we may teach – ICT in education: an odd couple
Alexandre Borovik and Yagmur Denizhan
Speeches and paper sessions
Moderators Kristóf Fenyvesi and Zsolt Lavicza

Emancipation or disempowerment of man? Media – science  – education
Paper session
Moderator Tomáš Sigmund

ICT and literature: metamorphosis of literature
Art work presentations and round table
Curators Giovanna Di Rosario and Kristóf Fenyvesi

Islam between exclusion and inclusion
Patrice Brodeur
Moderator (tba)

Music, information and symmetry
Paper sessions and concert
Moderators Konstantin Zenkin and Sergey Petoukhov


Problems of political information processes


Luciano Floridi Power in the information society
Uwe Krüger Manufacturing consent through integration: Social networks of German journalists in the elite milieu and their effects on coverage
Zoe Lefkofridi Europe at the crossroads: Is economizing on democracy the way forward?
Katharine Sarikakis The struggle for control over Communicative Spaces: creating, sustaining, resisting as tactics of information society governance


Beyond bureaucracy. Perspectives and challenges of sustainable, non-bureaucratic government
Moderator Alois Paulin

ICTs and power relations. Present dilemmas and future perspectives
Paper sessions
Moderators Doris Allhutter, Astrid Mager and Stefan Strauß

The “just” war: Do military operations promote peace?
Christina Binder, Michael Bünker, Pete Hämmerle, Claus J. Raidl, Thomas Roithner, Tanja Windbücher-Souschill
Expert discussion
Moderator Markus Veinfurter

The governance of information in crisis
Moderator Katharine Sarikakis


Problems of economic information processes


Payal Arora Big data Commons and the global South
Barbara Muraca (tba)


Communication, information and reporting for responsible business management
Paper sessions
Moderator Gandolfo Dominici

Emergence of and in (self-)organizing work systems. From articulation of work knowledge to System Design
Moderators Stefan Oppl and Chris Stary


Problems of ecological information processes


Ulrich Brand Social-ecological transformation as progressive horizon?
Vyacheslav A. Ilyichev Biospherical compatibility – the way of reciprocal development of Mankind and Nature
Nikhil Joshi Science, organisation and sustainability: A multilevel approach


Empowering patients through health IT
Mary Jo Deering
Speech and paper session
Moderator Mary Jo Deering

Homo informaticus – The image of man in the information society
Moderator Felix Tretter

Natural disasters. Vulnerability and resilience
Paper session
Moderators Gerhard Chroust and Marianne Penker


Problems of technological information processes


Jörg Becker Media and Information Technology: Social control from above & outside and from below & inside
Gunilla Bradley In search of wisdom in the ICT Society
Armin Grunwald Responsible Research and Innovation – Limits of consequentialism and the need for hermeneutic assessment
Stefania Milan Big Data and the Understanding of the Political
Wojciech Szpankowski Frontiers of Science of Information
Mariarosaria Taddeo Just Information Warfare

Conference Stream

ICTS 2015: The Internet and Social Media at a Crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism? Perspectives for Critical Political Economy and Critical Theory
Payal Arora, Jörg Becker, Christian Fuchs, Stefania Milan  
Speeches and paper sessions
Convenors Christian Fuchs, Marisol Sandoval, Thomas Allmer and Sebastian Sevignani


Andrew Feenberg’s technical politics and ICTs
Andrew Feenberg
Speech and invited paper session
Moderator Graeme Kirkpatrick

Are robots better humans? Ethics, limitations, and promises of Artificial Intelligence
Rafael Capurro, Peter Purgathofer, Tom Ziemke
Speeches and panel discussion with Søren Brier and Martin Rhonheimer
Moderator Marco Ragni

Cyberpeace is more than the absence of cyberwar
Sylvia Johnigk and Rosamaria Taddeo

Speeches and paper sessions
Moderators Kai Nothdurft and Britta Schinzel

The Global Brain and the future information society
Francis Heylighen and Dirk Helbing as well as Payal Arora and Stefania Milan
Speeches, contributed talks and paper sessions
Moderator Mixel Kiemen