Day Four: Saturday, 6 June, 2015


FH 5 | Information thinking big | III

9:00 : Sustainability – From nature to society

John Collier Information dynamics, self-organization and the implications for management
Nikhil Joshi Science, organisation and sustainability: A multilevel approach

11:00 Capitalism versus nature? Socio-ecological transformations

Ulrich Brand Social-ecological transformation as progressive horizon?
Barbara Muraca Cultural transformation through societal experiments
Vyacheslav A. Ilyichev Biospherical compatibility – The way of reciprocal development of the Mankind and Nature

FH 6 | Designing social/technological systems

9:00 How smart is Big Data?

The Internet and Social Media at a crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism?
Stream ICTS 2015 | 8 (to be continued)
The Global Brain and the future information society
Track | 5 (to be continued)

Stefania Milan Big Data and the understanding of the political
Payal Arora Big data Commons and the global South

11:00 Islam between exclusion and inclusion – how to leverage cultural diversity

Track: Speech and panel


Patrice Brodeur (tba)
Farid Hafez, Rüdiger Lohlker, Mustafa Ali

FH 7

ICTs and power relations

Present dilemmas and future perspectives
Track: Paper sessions | 2 (to be continued)

9:00 Presentations and open discussion

Gernot Rieder, Judith Simon; Stefan Strauß Big Data, Corporate Governance and the Limits of Algorithmic Accountability
Nina Witjes, Philipp Olbrich Enabling Transparency through Technology?Non-Governmental Satellite Imagery Analysis of North Korea
Wolfgang Hofkirchner, Asimina Koukou, Katharine Sarikakis The Role of Social Movements in the Governance of ICT Commons in Times of Crisis

The Global Brain and the future information society

Track | 6 (to be continued)


Cadell Last Self-Actualization in the Commons
Shima Beigi Designing a Place-based Self-organising Ecotourism Plan

SE 101 A

Progress and achievements in Information Studies in China

Track | 2, 3


Jiyi Yan Information Makes Humans Running on Mobius Ring Possible
Wenhao Lee An Information Breakthrough Which Refrain A Trap
Poland Sham A New Concept in The Mail Box in General
Gang Liu A Chinese Approach to The Concept of Information


Shuhua Li System Approach to Information Studies
Xueshan Yan Three Unifications and Their Finals in the Approach to Information Studies
Yixin Zhong On Definitions of Information
Chuan Zhao The Frontiers of Intelligence Science

SE 104

Integration of the Philosophy of Information and Information Science

Stream ICPI 2015 | 5, 6 (to be continued)


Mei Su Cheng Informational Civilization’s Challenge to Philosophy
Zhi Cong Shang Information in the Knowledge Democracy
Laszlo Ropolyi Sign and Information: Form and Content


Joseph E. Brenner The Convergence of the Philosophy and Science of Information
Xian Geng Cao Musicological Significance of Traditional Chinese Music Inheritance  and Information Theory Research
Patrick Allo Constructionism in Logic



FH 2

The Internet and Social Media at a crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism?

Stream ICTS 2015 | 9A, 10, 11 (to be continued)

14:00 Commodification in the digital age

Tim Dwyer, Fiona Martin How Did They Get Here? The Likeable Engine, Dark Referrals and the Problematic of Social Media News Analytics 
Rachel O’Dwyer When Telcos Become Banks: Sociotechnical Control in Mobile Money
Demetra Garbasevschi Personal Identity as Digital Commodity
Zafer Kıyan Rethinking Cultural Production in the Context of Commodification: Two Step or Dual Production

16:00 The information commons: Commodification and commonification

Gareth James Johnson A Critical Examination of Barriers to Open Access in UK Academia
Wilhelm Peekhaus Librarians and University Presses of the World Unite!: Efforts to Resuscitate the Knowledge Commons of Academic Publishing
Gregory Taylor Dallas Smythe and the Spectrum Commons
Joseph E. Brenner A Fresh Look: The Social Competence of Information Science

18:00 The Internet, technology and critical theories

Sahana Udupa ‘Faith Politics’: Social Media and Right-Wing Hindu Nationalism in India
László Ropolyi Emerging Web-Life – A Marxian Perspective
Magdalena Kania-Lundholm What the Critical Approach Can Bring to the Study of a Potentially Vulnerable Group’s Everyday ICT Usage
Emma Keltie, Peter Bansel The Online Production and Commodification of Gender Variant and Sexuality Diverse Young People

FH 3

The Internet and Social Media at a crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism?

Stream ICTS 2015 | 9B

14:00 The Internet and social movements

Aylin Aydogan, Funda Basaran Wherever The Resistance, Video Activism Is There: Çapul TV
Bianca Mitu
Social Classes and Digital Activism
Guiomar Rovira Twenty Years of Networks, Streets and Struggles
Paloma Viejo Otero How Do Far-Right Movements and Parties Use the Internet and the Social Media? Digital Facebook Postcards With Hate From the Far Right

Andrew Feenberg’s technical politics and ICTs

Track: Speech and invited papers | 1, 2

16:00 and 18:00

Andrew Feenberg Critical Theory of Technology and STS
Graeme Kirkpatrick Feenberg between instrumentalism and substantivism: formal principles versus humanistic values in democratic technical politics
Cheryl Martens Questioning Technology in South America: The case of Ecuador’s free/open knowledge movement
Tom Redshaw Radical technologies and cultures of knowledge: the case of bitcoin
Lars Kristensen Bicycle cinema: Machines, Identity and the Moving Image
Steve Walker Technology and social change: some shifting patterns in technological innovation

FH 4

Cyberpeace is more than the absence of cyberwar

Track: Speeches and paper sessions | 1, 2

14:00 Speech and presentations

Mariarosaria Taddeo Just Information Warfare
Hans-Jörg Kreowski and Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht “Revolution in Military Affairs” — Not without information and communication technology
Henning Lübbecke Ubiquitous Computing and Privacy
Ronald H. Tuschl Cyberpeace: The Struggle of Civil Society for Radical Democracy and Hegemony in Cyberspace

16:00 Speech, presentations, and discussion

Sylvia Johnigk “Let’s clear up the debris” – What the Snowden leaks means for our IT-security
Stefan Hügel Cyberpeace: Promoting civil rights and peaceful use of the Internet
Thomas Reinhold Political aspects of the militarisation of the cyberspace and the problems and chances of a peaceful development for this domain

Ethics in IT security research

Track: Presentation


Sebastian Neuner, Martin Mulazzani and Sebastian Schrittwieser

FH 7

ICTs and power relations

Present dilemmas and future perspectives
Track: Paper sessions | 3

14:00 Presentations and open discussion

Judith Simon, Irina Shklovski Lessening the Burden of Individualized Responsibility in the Socio-technical World
Philip Schörpf, Jörg Flecker, Annika Schönauer Virtual Work and Place in the Creative Industries
Holger Pötzsch iBorder: Bordering Bodies, Networks, and Machines
Prince Karakire Guma Digital Technology and the Socio-spatial Transformation of Urban Space: The Case of Nairobi and Dar es Salaam

The Global Brain and the future information society

Track | 7


Dana Klisanin Choice Words: An Integral Exploration of Signifers Being Used to Reference Global Interconnectedness

Michael Arth UNICE Global Brain Project

Alternatives for Europe and the world

Track: Panel


Àngela Ballester, Podemos, Spain
Michalis Panagiotakis
, Syriza, Greece
Markus Euskirchen
, Institut für Gesellschaftsanalyse, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Germany
Gerold Pacher
, Der Wandel, Austria
Franz Nahrada, Global Villages

SE 101 A

Transforming systems through design

BCSSS Track | 1 (to be continued)

14:00 Speeches

Geraldine Fitzpatrick Designing for sharing communities: from rhetoric to reality
Thomas Fundneider Designing desired futures as Enabling Spaces
Holm Friebe Surviving VUCA – A framework for the far future
Liss C. Werner Structural Feeling – It’s not Alice, but Wonderland BCSSS

Emergence of and in (self-)organizing work systems

From articulation of work knowledge to System Design
Track: Workshop


Sergej Lugović, Ivan Dunđer, Marko Horvat Primary and Secondary Experience as a Foundations of Adaptive Information Systems
Zhengwei Huang, Fangyan Tang, Xuejiao Guo, Beiheng Li Customer service quality for online shopping: Evidence from
Stefan Oppl, Christian Stary AEOLION – Articulation Engineered for Organizational Learning in Interoperable, Open Networks

Transforming systems through design

BCSSS Track | 2

18:00 Workshop

Geraldine Fitzpatrick
Thomas Fundneider
Holm Friebe
Liss C. Werner
Christian Stary


SE 101 B

As we may teach

ICT in education: an odd couple
Track: Speeches and presentations | 4, 5, 6

14:00 Presentations

Zsolt Lavicza, Fenyvesi Kristóf, Lilla Korenova, Eleonóra Stettner GeoMaTech: Integrating Technology and New Pedagogical Approaches into Primary and Secondary School Teaching to Enhance Mathematics Education in Hungary
Đurđica Takaci*, Miroslav Maric GeoGebra supported collaborative learning
Walther Neuper What distinguishes Mathematics from Magic in Education?

16:00 Presentations

Natascha Chtena The materiality of virtual learning environments: developing an analytical framework for the study of educational platforms, artifacts and applications
Tamás Péter Szabó As we think we may teach: Ideologies on IT in the classroom
Matteo Ciastellardi  Exploring Transmedia Literacy. Toward an Open Ontology for a Pattern Recognition Analysis

18:00 Presentations

Ján Gunčaga, Robert Janiga Possibilities of using virtual laboratories in teaching computer science subjects
Aleksandar Takaci, Đurđica Takaci Possibilities of using virtual laboratories in teaching computer science subjects
Vladimir Francisti, Slaviša Radović On the evaluation of students’ achievements and knowledge using modern technology
Radoslav Božić On Comparative Analysis of Mathematical Education of Serbia, Croatia and Finland

SE 101 C

Beyond Bureaucracy

Track | 3

14:00 Collaborative decision-making and future technology. Does technology benefit participation?

Matouš Hrdina Are Social Media a beneficial Tool for Political Participation? Notes on the Role of SNS in participatory Trends in the Czech Republic
Alois Paulin How Liquid Democracy can tame Bureaucracy
Sahar Sahebdivan Beyond the Wire: Transformational Power of Quantum Information

Emancipation or disempowerment of man?

Media – science – education
Track: Paper sessions | 1, 2

16:00 and 18:00

Ludmila Malinová Education and the Global Brain
Rocio Rueda Ortiz Multitude and Internet: cooperation and domination
Václav Šubrta Dichotomies in science, education and media
Nikolaus Hamann Openness – Democracy – Transformation. And the libraries?
Edgar Alejandro Ruvalcaba Gomez Analysis of the “Impact of Social Technologies” in the policies of “Open Government” within the Public Administrations
Eva Kašparová Social media usage and its impact in the current teaching and learning
Tomáš Sigmund Manipulation and self-realization
Asher Jospe The dialectic of capitalism

SE 104

Integration of the Philosophy of Information and Information Science

Stream ICPI 2015 | 7, 8, 9


Ning Guai Li On Sign and Information
Fang Ren Virtual Reality Technology and Ethics Construction
Li Luo Complexity Science and Research on Nonlinear Architecture
Jian Wang The constructive approach of informational ontology and the transformation of the notion of philosophy. Comparing the philosophy of information of Simondon and Wu Kun


San Hu Li Thinking Informatically through Nanoethics
Yan Hong Ma The fundamental changes in traditional Western value philosophy
brought by information axiology of Wu Kun
Lin Bi View “common meaning space” in communication science by using information
system theory
Jie Feng Analytical mental stress from philosophical dimension information


Qiong Nan The origin and genesis of experience of space and time—From the perspective of information
Yan Yuan On the problem of human nature recognition from the view of Information Philosophy
Liang Wang Study on Social Informatization from the Perspective of the Basic Characteristics of Information

2 comments on “Day Four: Saturday, 6 June, 2015
  1. Joseph Brenner says:

    Using the system:

    For ICPI 2015, I see a block SE 104 2,3,4 on June 5 PM and a block SE 104 6,7,8 on June 6 PM for Integration of the PI and IS. I assume other ICPI sections will be added at other times?
    Please comment when you have time. JEB

  2. Liss C. Werner says:

    Hi there, any chance to arrange for a pdf document with all the sessions aligned to each other? A visual schedule would be great. Especially to figure out the continuation.
    What dies FH and SE mean?
    Pls let us know. LCW