Day Three: Friday, 5 June, 2015


FH 5 | About a “Transdiscipline”

9:00 Transdiscipline Information Studies?

Yixin Zhong Methodology shift in Information Studies
Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic Interdisciplinary research and information dynamics

11:00 Transdisciplinarity

Transdisciplinary response and responsibility of the sciences of information
Track: Speeches and paper presentations | 1 (to be continued)

Solomon Marcus Masters and slaves of information
Basarab Nicolescu How Can We Enter in Dialogue? Transdisciplinary Methodology of the Dialogue Between People, Cultures, and Spiritualities

FH 6 | Global Brain and governance

9:00 The Global Brain and the future information society

Track | 1 (to be continued)

Francis Heylighen The Global Brain: a self-organizing, distributed intelligence emerging from the web
Dirk Helbing 
Creating a planetary nervous system as a citizen web

11:00 The future information society and its governance

Katharine Sarikakis The struggle for control over Communicative Spaces: creating, sustaining, resisting as tactics of information society governance
Zoe Lefkofridi Europe at the crossroads: Is economizing on democracy the way forward?

FH 2

The Internet and Social Media at a crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism?

Stream ICTS 2015 | 5 (to be continued)

11:00 An alternative internet!? Prosumer co-operatives, the digital commons and alternative online spaces

Andreas Wittel Digital Technologies and Labour in Capitalism and in the Commons
Marisol Sandoval Prosumer Co-operatives and the Prospects of Truly Social Media
Banu Durdağ Alternative Communication Spaces: Resistance, Technology and Social Change
Hans Asenbaum Revisiting E-topia – A Social Movements Perspective on Cyberdemocracy

FH 7 

ICTs and power relations

Present dilemmas and future perspectives
Track: Paper sessions | 1 (to be continued)

9:00 Presentations and open discussion

John Cheney-Lippold Jus Algoritmi: How the NSA Remade Citizenship
René König Algorithmic ideology in action: How Google´s ranking algorithm impacts different types of information
Astrid Mager Algorithmic Imaginaries. Visions and values in the co-production of search engine politics and Europe
Georgios Kolliarakis Innovation, Inequalities, and Impacts: Countering non-anticipated effects of the European ICT Research

The Global Brain and the future information society

Track | 2 (to be continued)


Francis Heylighen The Global Brain: a self-organizing, distributed intelligence emerging from the web (extended)
Dirk Helbing 
Creating a planetary nervous system as a citizen web (extended)

SE 101 A

China and the global information society

A West-East-discourse
Track: Paper sessions | 4

9:00 Politics, Economy and Alienation in Chinese Information Society

Dazhou Wang, Kaixi Wang Logic of the Internet Politics in China
Lianrui Jia
Entrepreneurial state, the economy of scale, and the globalization of Chinese Internet companies
Bocong Li, Ou Bao
Symbolic Alienation in the Information Society

Progress and achievements in Information Studies in China

Track | 1 (to be continued)


Yixin Zhong The Law of Information Conversion and Intelligence Creation
Dongsheng Miao China Approach to Information Studies
Liqian Zhou A Review of Approaches of Western Information Studies
Xianhan Luo The Matter-Information Theory

SE 101 C

Beyond Bureaucracy

Track | 1, 2 (to be continued)

9:00 Informating government. The status quo: does it work?

Leonidas Anthopoulos How far can a local Government go to reach a Non-Bureaucratic Level? Literature Review and a Case Study
Uroš Pinteric Human Obstacles to Smart Cities
Łukasz Mikowski and Piotr Szymaniec e-Governance: the Idea and its Realization in Poland

11:00  Informating government. How much bureaucracy is necessary?

Alois Paulin Informating Bureaucracy Using Technology to control Social Service Delivery
Roland Traunmüller e-Government: How much Bureaucracy is Necessary?
Adeyinka Adewale Does Bureaucracy stiffle Moral Agency? Insights from History, Literature and Practice


SE 104

Music, information and symmetry

Track | 3, 4


A. Kharuto Musical Information Research In Russia (History And The Present Time)
I. Evin, A. Koblyakov, T. Khabibulin Music and network science
A. Koblyakov Transdimensional relations at the bases of music, symmetry, language, logic and information


A. Igamberdiev The fugal structure as a reflection of the polyphonic pattern of the world
N. Stambuk et al. Artificial Proteins and Genetic Code Patterns: Structure, Function, Information
and Music
M. Karaseva Professional Social Network for Musicians: a New Technological Approach for Strengthening of Humanitarian Society


FH 2

The Internet and Social Media at a crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism?

Stream ICTS 2015 | 6, 7A (to be continued)

14:00 Neoliberal and Socialist Perspectives on the Information Society and Information Technology

Alistair S. Duff ‘MereBrotherhood’: Religious Socialism @ Network Society
David J. Hakken, Maurizio Teli, Barbara Andrews Critical Alternatives in Computing Scholarship: Coordinates of a Struggle to Go Beyond Capital
Yuqi Na Ideologies of the Development of the Chinese Internet
Hakan Yüksel Creating Dependency instead of Prosperity: A Critique of Information Society Policies in Turkey

16:00 The Political Economy of Online Advertising

Josef Baum Towards a Global Ad Tax – Advertisment in a Political Economy and Political Ecology Framework
Secil Toro Deception and Internet Advertising: Tactics Used in Online Shopping Sites
Bahar Ayaz Culture Industry in the Digital Era
Sašo Slaček Brlek, Jernej Amon Prodnik Quantification of Audiences as a Decision-Making Factor in Slovene Web Journalism

Weaving the understanding of information

Track: Paper sessions | 2

18:00 Towards a deeper understanding of Networks, Systems, Information and Emergence

Open Colloquium held by R. Zimmermann, F. Tretter, W. Hofkirchner, F. Salto & J.M. Díaz

Networking Invitation- BITrum General Assembly moderated by J.M. Díaz and F. Salto
a) Proposal for cooperative de-centralized organization: from the operative units to the international federation of research entities;
b) Presentation of operative units: glossariumBITri; domusBITae; PRIMER; Research unit;
c) Call for cooperative work (membership).


FH 3

The governance of information freedom in crisis

Democracy, resistance and control
Track: Panel


Asli Tunc Turkey Circumventing and Succumbing to Media Control in Turkey: Social Media as A Sphere of Struggle
Katharine Sarikakis and Patricia Smolean
Critical Media in times of crisis: a case study of news media in Greece, Romania and Spain
Ferenc Hammer
Democratic performance of the media – Hungarian lessons

The Internet and Social Media at a crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism?

Stream ICTS 2015 | 7B (to be continued)

16:00 The internet and power

Justine Gangneux Surveillance Enabling Technologies and Peer Scrutiny: Impacts on Trust in Young Adults’Interpersonal Relationships
Laura Fichtner Techno-Politics as Network(ed) Struggles
Kavous Ardalan Media and Democracy: Four Paradigmatic Views
Teresa Numerico Google AI and Turing’s Social Definition of Intelligence

Transdisciplinary response and responsibility of the sciences of information

Track: Speeches and paper presentations | 2


Søren Brier Cybersemiotics as a bridge between the informational, the experiential and embodied enacted social meaning
Neena Gupta-Biener
New transdisciplinary methodology based on semiotics for cross-cultural comparisons
Robert Logan What Is Information?: Why Is It Relativistic and What Is Its Relationship to Materiality, Meaning and Organization
Jiyi Yan Information makes running on the Moebius Strip possible: Thinking on IT and Information Theory
Shuhua Li The Origin of Information and Value Selection: Investigate the Laws of the Generation of Living System
Joseph Brenner Information Science, Transdisciplinarity and Logic
Liqian Zhou The Consistent Principle of Information, Life and Cognition

FH 4

Homo informaticus – the conception of man in the information society

Track: BCSSS Workshop | 1, 2

14:00 and 16:00

Felix Tretter Homo informaticus – concept of man in information age
Michael Trimmel Homo informaticus – man as a subsystem of computers
Klaus Miesenberger Homo Informaticus: Equal opportunities for people with disabilities
Werner Mewes Big data in health issues – Perspectives of Omics-Medicine
Peter Fleissner Homo informaticus and Information society – critical comments

Human resilience and human vulnerability

Contributions from the mental health field
Track: Case presentation


Brigitte Sindelar Introduction
Waltraud Schönhart Special cases – practical psychoanalytic work in untypical fields

FH 7

The Global Brain and the future information society

Track | 3, 4 (to be continued)


Viktoras Veitas Living Cognitive Society: a “digital” World of Views
Marta Lenartowitz Mere impediments? A second thought on the role of social boundaries in self-organisation of the global collective intelligence on the Earth


Evo Busseniers Let’s interPlay! Does co-evolution enable or constrain?
Roman Batko Panopticon – cybercontrol in liquid modernity: what does control really mean in contemporary management?

Natural disasters

Vulnerability and resilience
Track: BCSSS paper session


Jan Skrbek Last Mile – the Neglected Element of Early Warning Systems
Tianjie Lei, Jianjun Wu, Qianfeng Wang, Changliang Shao, Hongkui Zhou, Xiaohan Li, Guangpo Geng, Leizhen Liu, Xiangdong Sun and Liangliang Zhang Drought and carbon cycling of grassland ecosystems under global change: a review
Kunru Yan Bayesian analysis of subjectively perceived risks of informational technology

SE 101 A

Information and values: ethics, spirituality and religion

Stream DTMD 2015 | 1, 2, 3 (to be continued)


Arthur Taylor Information quality and truth: consumerism, deception and the postmodern age
Alex and David Chapman The role of information and values in the participatory analysis of social-ecological systems
Martin Mosko and David Paul Designing for the Tension of Information and Values: The Garden as an Inquiry System


Marcus Carney Letting show… Transverbal migrations between theorizing & practice
Derek Jones Embodied cognition and information
Magnus Ramage and Chris Bissell Cyberneticists at war and peace: wrestling with ethical dilemmas of information


Mustafa Ali Orientalism and/as Information: The Indifference That Makes a Difference
Graeme Kirkpatrick Information and religious sensibility

SE 101 B

As we may teach

ICT in education: an odd couple
Track: Speeches and presentations | 1, 2, 3 (to be continued)

14:00 Speeches

Alexandre Borovik Makers and users
Yagmur Denizhan Tools and Their Users

16:00 Presentations

Hannu S. Salmi Learning abstract in a concrete way: making the invisible observable via Augmented Reality (AR)
Tamás Pólya Digital motivations: from being entertained to be happy to learn. Why do children and teenagers play videogames and can those motivations be canalized towards educational purposes?
Natalija Budinski Origami аnd technological prospectives in mathematical education

18:00 Presentations

Masataka Kaneko, Satoshi Yamashita, Hideyo Makishita, Yoshifumi Maeda, Naoki Hamaguchi, Shigeki Kobayashi, Setsuo Takato KETCindy — supporting tool to convert students’ findings into knowledge in collegiate mathematics education
Hans-Dieter Janetzko CATO – An Almost Intuitive Access to Mathematical Software
Nuno Filipe Escudeiro, Neena Gupta-Biener, Florian Gunacker
Interdisciplinary virtual multicultural teamwork project as an alternative to classroom teaching. Example of a pilot project funded by EU

SE 101 C

Emergent systems, information and society

Track: Speeches, paper sessions and working group establishment | 1 (to be continued)

14:00 Speeches and presentations

Rainer Feistel Self-organisation of symbolic information
Werner Ebeling Selforganization of information and value – Discussion of the relation to physics
Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski Information generation and value formation: important categories for theory development. About the idle but wrong attempt to teach war robots ethics
Sabine Thürmel Emergence and Chance in Agent-based Simulations

Information in the exact sciences and symmetries

FIS and ICPI Track


Abir U. Igamberdiev Symmetry Transformations and Information Growth in Biological Morphogenesis and Evolution
Joseph Brenner  Symmetry and information: Brothers in arms
Gyorgy Darvas On certain questions related to information and symmetries – in physics from certain view of philosophy of science

Emergent systems, information and society

Track: Speeches, paper sessions and working group establishment | 2

18:00 Speech, presentations and working group establishment

Vincent Brannigan Mobile geolocation technologies, a technico-legal revolution
John Chelen Universal Digital ID: The Ultimate Level of Human Addressability Required to Sustain Fair Global Knowledge Participation
Yagmur Denizhan Scaffolding as Mediator of Emergence

SE 104

Integration of the Philosophy of Information and Information Science

Stream ICPI 2015 | 2, 3, 4 (to be continued)


Marcin J. Schroeder The Concept of Information: The Point of Convergence for Philosophy and Science or the Vanishing Point of Parallels? 
Qi Tian Wu A new way of thinking about being and non-being


Loet Leydesdorff Mutual Redundancies and Triple Contingencies among Perspectives
on Horizons of Meaning
Ron Cottam, Willy Ranson, Roger Vounckx The Metascalar Nature of Information
Feng Xiao Many”-isms” about information


Rafael Capurro Translating Information
Abir U. Igamberdiev Internal quantum measurements and the growth of information
Guolin Wu Questioning of quantum information