ICT and literature: metamorphosis of literature

Track: Presentations and round table

Artistic works



Bryan Barrachina Cursed Poems
David Clark 88 Constellations
Domenico Chiappe Hotel Minotauro/Minotaur Hotel (english and spanish)
Rodolfo Mata Silencio vacio
Ottar Ormstad When
Jörg Piringer Unicode
Jaka Železnikar More Sara’s Giggles
Alexandra Saemmer et Collectif hyperf iction Conduit d’aération 
Aleix Corts and Cori Pedrola Videolit: how to teach literaturethanks to new media

Load down here the descriptions.


Giovanna Di Rosario, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Kristóf Fenyvesi, University of Jyväskylä, Finland


At the conference, there will be an exhibition on electronic literature – “ICT and Literature: Metamorphosis of Literature” – showing different possible forms of electronic literature: from electronic poetry, to fictional hypertexts, to generative texts, etc.