Communication, information and reporting for responsible business management

Track: Paper sessions



Information for sustainability

Fabrizio Baldassarre and Raffaele Campo Reporting sustainability in the oil sector: transparency or greenwashing?
Peter Maple, Cecilia Giuliana Nicoletta Casalegno and Chiara Civera An investigation of “The Spectrum of Corporate Social Responsibility.” Or to be more precise: Over-communication – a comparative analysis of the UK and Italian banking sectors from the customers’ perspective
Vasja Roblek and Andrej Bertoncelj The impact of internet and social media on communicating corporate activities of sustainable development: the case of the top 100 world pharmaceutical companies

Internet for the XXI society

Seyed Reza Naghibulsadat Image of social life in the information society: Content analysis of Iranian and Non-Iranian Social Networks’ Structures
Ali Asghar Kia The importance of media literacy in the knowledge-based society
So-Jeng Hung, Cheng-Hung Wang, Ya-Ping Huang and Mei-Chiung Chi The study of museum’s interactive multimedia demonstration learning field


Gandolfo DominiciDep. SEAS, Polytechnic School, University of Palermo, Italy


There is a widespread need of change, that means to take advantage of the actual period of crisis to overcome its causes and improve. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be an extraordinarily effective tool, which may bring to a new and wider concept of value (co)creation, overcoming the limits of the classical economic and business theory based on financial capital and profit that are at the basis of the actual economic, social and environmental world crisis.