Back to the concepts!
Rainer E. Zimmermann, General Studies, University of Applied Sciences Munich (Institut für Design Science München)
The various aspects of an ethics that is based on the conception of systems have been discussed at the recent EMCSR 2014 meeting in an appropriate panel. The results will be published soon in the “Systema” journal. However, during the EMCSR meeting and afterwards, at this year’s (2014) ISFR conversation meeting in Linz, it has turned out that the ongoing discourse about this topic is rather difficult and not very satisfactory after all, because even within the systems community the utilized concepts are far from clear. In fact, concepts are interpreted and used in a wide variety of versions such that effective communication about them is encumbered and their understanding essentially obstructed.
Subjects and scope
Hence, the clarification of the main concepts involved is actually a task that matches well what the objective of this forthcoming conference will be: to eventually enhance human wisdom.
Target groups
This workshop might also be interesting for those who have not participated in one of the above-mentioned former conference occasions, provided they are dealing with ethical questions in one way or another. In particular, this call is directed to those who are interested in ethical questions of fundamental as well as practical type. A philosophical background would be helpful.
Workshop with talks and discussions (20 + 10 min)
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 27 February 2015
Notification of acceptance: 20 March 2015