As we may teach – ICT in education: an odd couple

Track: Speeches and paper sessions



Session 1

Alexandre Borovik Makers and users
Yagmur Denizhan Tools and their users


Presentations and discussion

Session 2

Hannu S. Salmi Learning abstract in a concrete way: making the invisible observable via Augmented Reality (AR)
Tamás Pólya Digital motivations: from being entertained to be happy to learn. Why do children and teenagers play videogames and can those motivations be canalized towards educational purposes?
Natalija Budinski Origami аnd technological prospectives in mathematical education

Session 3

Masataka Kaneko*, Satoshi Yamashita, Hideyo Makishita, Yoshifumi Maeda, Naoki Hamaguchi, Shigeki Kobayashi, Setsuo Takato KETCindy — supporting tool to convert students’ findings into knowledge in collegiate mathematics education
Hans-Dieter Janetzko CATO – An Almost Intuitive Access to Mathematical Software
Nuno Filipe Escudeiro, Neena Gupta-Biener*, Florian Gunacker Interdisciplinary virtual multicultural teamwork project as an alternative to classroom teaching. Example of a pilot project funded by EU

Session 4

Zsolt Lavicza*, Fenyvesi Kristóf*, Lilla Korenova*, Eleonóra Stettner* GeoMaTech: Integrating Technology and New Pedagogical Approaches into Primary and Secondary School Teaching to Enhance Mathematics Education in Hungary
Đurđica Takaci*, Miroslav Maric* GeoGebra supported collaborative learning
Walther Neuper What distinguishes Mathematics from Magic in Education?

Session 5

Natascha Chtena The materiality of virtual learning environments: developing an analytical framework for the study of educational platforms, artifacts and applications
Tamás Péter Szabó As we think we may teach: Ideologies on IT in the classroom
Matteo Ciastellardi Exploring Transmedia Literacy. Toward an Open Ontology for a Pattern Recognition Analysis

Session 6

Ján Gunčaga*, Robert Janiga Possibilities of using virtual laboratories in teaching computer science subjects
Aleksandar Takaci*, Đurđica Takaci The use of fuzzy controller to predict student test scores
Vladimir Francisti*, Slaviša Radović* On the evaluation of students’ achievements and knowledge using modern technology
Radoslav Božić: On Comparative Analysis of Mathematical Education of Serbia, Croatia and Finland


Zsolt Lavicza, Faculty of Education, Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, UK
Kristóf Fenyvesi, Department of Art and Culture Studies, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (International Symmetry Association)


The ISIS Summit will be held at the 70th anniversary of the publication of Vannevar Bush’s epoch-making article “As We May Think”.[1] Bush’s futuristic vision of the intellectual potential of the uses of technology was manifested in our everyday experience while tomorrow’s digital tools now promise even more. Information and communication technologies are inevitably changing human life and are about to transform education as we know it today. However, the changes in educational practices in most cases are still barely apparent, while future generations are “growing up digital”. While some educational systems seem to be resilient to technology integration, others lack financial resources for such integration, and yet others plan to completely replace ‘old’ forms with new ones.