Cyberpeace is more than the absence of cyberwar

Track: Speeches and paper sessions



Sylvia Johnigk “Let’s clear up the debris” – What the Snowden leaks means for our IT-security
Mariarosaria Taddeo Just Information Warfare


Stefan Hügel Cyberpeace: Promoting civil rights and peaceful use of the Internet
Hans-Jörg Kreowski and Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht “Revolution in Military Affairs” — Not without information and communication technology
Henning Lübbecke Ubiquitous Computing and Privacy
Thomas Reinhold Political aspects of the militarisation of the cyberspace and the problems and chances of a peaceful development for this domain
Ronald H. Tuschl Cyberpeace: The Struggle of Civil Society for Radical Democracy and Hegemony in Cyberspace


Kai Nothdurft, Information Security Officer, Munich;
Britta Schinzel, University of Freiburg;
(Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility (FIfF))


On the one hand, the track addresses the threats emerging from cyber warfare policies that include the worldwide and total surveillance of all digital communication media, the espionage and sabotage via the Internet endangering the main civil infrastructures, and the massive military armament that relies on information technology.

On the other hand, the track aims at peace in cyberspace in a very general sense meaning the peaceful use of the cyberspace for the benefit of human kind and the environment as well as for international understanding and worldwide development.