Track: Paper session
Media – science – education
Paper presentations
Ludmila Malinová Education and the Global Brain
Rocio Rueda Ortiz Multitude and Internet: cooperation and domination
Václav Šubrta Dichotomies in science, education and media
Nikolaus Hamann Openness – Democracy – Transformation. And the libraries?
Edgar Alejandro Ruvalcaba Gomez Analysis of the “Impact of Social Technologies” in the policies of “Open Government” within the Public Administrations
Eva Kašparová Social media usage and its impact in the current teaching and learning
Tomáš Sigmund Manipulation and self-realization
Asher Jospe The dialectic of capitalism
Tomáš Sigmund, Department of Systems Analysis, University of Economics, Prague
Media, science and education have ambiguous effects on man. On the one hand they can improve man´s situation, contribute to his self-realization, liberation and emancipation, on the other hand they can turn into their opposites and limit the evolvement of man´s full potential.