Track: Workshop
From articulation of work knowledge to System Design
Sergej Lugović *, Ivan Dunđer, Marko Horvat Primary and Secondary Experience as a Foundations of Adaptive Information Systems
Zhengwei Huang, Fangyan Tang *, Xuejiao Guo, Beiheng Li Customer service quality for online shopping: Evidence from
Stefan Oppl, Christian Stary AEOLION – Articulation Engineered for Organizational Learning in Interoperable, Open Networks
Stefan Oppl and Chris Stary; Department of Business Information Systems, University of Linz
This track considers work systems as complex adaptive systems that evolve in a self-regulated way and thus, are developed by their stakeholders. The contributions provide both conceptual inputs to consider these systems in a structured way featuring dynamically occurring changes, and examples from the field revealing the need for models to understand phenomena like emergence.