How do we want to live and how do we get there?

Track: Speeches and discussion

Taking the ‘convivialist manifesto’ as a starting point



Marc Humbert, Faculty of Economics, Université de Rennes 1, France; co-author, Manifeste convivialiste – Déclaration d’interdépendance
Frank Adloff
, Institut für Soziologie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany; co-editor, Das konvivialistische Manifest – Für eine neue Kunst des Zusammenlebens


Global challenges as climate change, poverty, social inequality, the financial crisis require new forms of living together (con-vivere).

In 2010, scientists around Alain Caillé, Marc Humbert, Serge Latouche und Patrick Viveret met in Tokyo for a colloquium on conviviality and convivialism. In 2011, Alain Caillé published “Pour un manifeste du convivialisme”. About 40 French speaking intellectuals from different backgrounds like Edgar Morin or Chantal Mouffe engaged in the starting discussion. In 2013, the manifesto was published in French, in 2014 in German. Here is the text in English. A Portuguese translation is underway.

The manifesto is a plea for a dynamic balance between individualism and collectivism, for the right of the individual to compete with others as long as it is not detrimental to the collective. By doing so, it seeks a balance between liberalism, socialism, communism, anarchism.

The Track aims at discussing those questions fundamental for the future of society. It is open to involve other positions as well.
