Yearly Archives: 2014

“The Difference that Makes a Difference” (another Conference Stream for our Summit)

This dictum ascribed to a quote from cybernetician and systems thinker Gregory Bateson denotes a series of interdisciplinary workshops organised by David Chapman and Magnus Ramage. Both belong to the Department for Computing and Communication of The Open University in UK.

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Human Computer Interaction: Putting People First!

Geraldine Fitzpatrick is a Speaker representative of the host faculty (Fakultät für Informatik der TU Wien). It’s now the fifth year, that Geraldine Fitzpatrick completed in her new function: head of the so-called Institute of Design and Assessment of Technology.

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About the wrong idea of teaching robots ethics

Aside from Szpankowski, the other two Speakers whose keynote titles have been clarified are Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski and Rafael Capurro. Fuchs-Kittowski is retired computer scientist and has since ever been engaged with questions of information and society. In particular, he is as radical

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Now it’s time to join the Summit! Your proposal is welcome before November 17, 2014!

You can shape the design of the Summit. In the current phase of the preparation we offer your group or organisation the possibility to step in. You can present yourself, organise paper sessions, workshops, panels or even a conference stream or whatever you would

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Emerging Frontiers of Science of Information

Three Speakers have fixed the topics of their contribution. One is Wojciech Szpankowski, Professor of Computer Sciences at Purdue University. He is Director of one of the Science and Technology Centers that are funded by the US National Science Foundation

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Francis Heylighen confirmed Speaker

Francis Heylighen agreed to be Speaker at the Summit. Being famous for having created the Principia Cybernetica Web, a genuine body of knowledge about complexity, he is the Director of the Global Brain Institute that was founded in 2012 at his university (Vrije Universiteit

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Hello Information Community

Let me introduce to you ISIS, the organization hosting the Summit in spring 2015. ISIS was founded in the aftermath of the Fourth International Conference on the Foundations of Information Science (FIS) in Beijing in August 2010 as a new framework

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Hello world!

“hello world!” is the default form of address the blog software at hand is suggesting to me. at first glance, my reaction would be to refuse that term and delete it. won’t it tempt me to become presumptuous? shouldn’t i better be more

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