About the wrong idea of teaching robots ethics

Aside from Szpankowski, the other two Speakers whose keynote titles have been clarified are Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski and Rafael Capurro.

Fuchs-Kittowski is retired computer scientist and has since ever been engaged with questions of information and society. In particular, he is as radical a critic of the militarisation of informatics as Joseph Weizenbaum was. This year Fuchs-Kittowski attended already two international conferences on banishing war robots, drones and their possible nuclear armament. He will give a panorama “From the Automated Chess Game to the Soccer Game to the Battlefield” and conclude that attempts to teach war robots ethics are doomed to failure.

Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski

That teaching robots ethics is rather an error in categories is what philosopher Capurro will argue. He will refer back to Aristotle’s concepts of “agents” and “patients”. His conclusion will be that Ethics of Robots can only be understood as objective genitive not as subjective genitive. See his paper here.

Rafael Capurro

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