Human Computer Interaction: Putting People First!

Geraldine Fitzpatrick is a Speaker representative of the host faculty (Fakultät für Informatik der TU Wien). It’s now the fifth year, that Geraldine Fitzpatrick completed in her new function: head of the so-called Institute of Design and Assessment of Technology. Name and foundation of that institute go back to wishes of the students that demonstrated in the 80s for better education at the Vienna University of Technology. Ina Wagner and Peter Fleissner were the first professors at that institute. They headed two different working groups: Wagner was Professor of Multidisciplinary Systems Design and CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work); Fleissner’s group was in the beginning called Sociocybernetics, later HCI (Human Computer Interaction).

Now the Institute is made up of 3 workgroups:


the Multidisciplinary Design Group;




and the Centre for Applied Assistive Technologies that joined the institute 3 years ago.

Fitzpatrick is the head of the HCI working group.

She will speak about the design of socially embedded systems.

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