Some sessions have been streamed. Now you can look at the recorded videos under the menu point “Media”: click here. The Day One at AudiMax was recorded. On Days Two and Three some of the morning sessions were recorded. The…
Some sessions have been streamed. Now you can look at the recorded videos under the menu point “Media”: click here. The Day One at AudiMax was recorded. On Days Two and Three some of the morning sessions were recorded. The…
Journalist Mariann Unterluggauer who attended our conference wrote the following report on our Summit (in German only): (photo: Deutschlandfunk) Click on the picture to link to the article. Vist also our site on articles and reports.
“If we want stakeholders to become designers actively engaging in socio-technical system development they need adequate support”, says Christian Stary. He is Professor at the Department of Business Information Systems, Kepler University of Linz, Austria, and co-organised a track on self-organized work-systems. Stary informs us about an…
New ISIS Board member, Vice President for Education, Yagmur Denizhan at her speech at the Track “As we may teach” (photo: Kristóf Fenyvesi) Another presenter, Matteo Ciastellardi, in the same Track (photo: Kristóf Fenyvesi) The Summit is over. We had…
The General Assembly of the main organiser of the Summit will take place on Saturday, 6 June, 2015, at 20:00 in the “Seminar Room Argentinierstraße”. That room is located in Argentinierstraße 8, ground floor (the entrance is around the corner in…
The Science of Information Institute with the headquarters in Washington, D. C., sponsored partly the evening reception. We are very grateful for that. Mary Jo Deering and Dail Doucette provided the following message for us: “The Science of Information Institute…
The art exhibition will take place at TU Wien, Argentinierstraße 8 (entrance Paniglgasse), 1040 Vienna, on Friday, 5 June, 2015, starting at 20:00. Load down the map here. See the programme here.
Dr Walpurga Antl-Weiser Dr Antl will accompany our trip to Willendorf. There will be a bus service to and from the excavation site. For the bus you need to register. On the ship a talk of Mrs Antl is scheduled: Communication…
As already mentioned, we will have a concert on 4 June, 2015, 20:00, in the Festsaal of TU Wien (see venue). The concert will have two parts, each lasting about an hour, with a break of 15 minutes in between.…