
Dr Walpurga Antl-Weiser

Dr Antl will accompany our trip to Willendorf. There will be a bus service to and from the excavation site. For the bus you need to register.

On the ship a talk of Mrs Antl is scheduled: Communication and technology of early Homo sapiens in Europe from an archaeological perspective.

Mrs Antl is expert working at the naturhistorisches museum wien.

She informs: “The famous Venus of Willendorf – the site can be visited on Sunday – is part of the prehistoric collection of the Natural History Museum Vienna. Due to the preparation of a completely new presentation of the prehistoric collection the Venus of Willendorf is on display in the exhibition rooms of the mineralogical department of the Natural History Museum. You will find the statuette opposite to the bouquet of gem stones, a donation of Maria Theresia to her husband the Emperor Franz I. Stefan, in Hall IV.”

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