Chantal Mouffe, co-initiator and signatory of the Convivialist Manifesto, was invited to give a talk at the University of Vienna: “The future of democracy: How to face the challenge of the protest movements”.
The Convivialist Manifesto will be presented at our Summit by Marc Humbert and Frank Adloff, which will lay the ground for the discussion of governance on Friday by speeches of Katharine Sarikakis, Zoe Lefkofridi and Uwe Krüger and a panel organised by the Department of Communication of the University of Vienna and will be followed by other discussions on societal alternatives for Europe and the world including stakeholders and members of the civil society.
Mouffe is Professor at the University of Westminster and a political scientist. She emphasises the necessity of social movements not to shy away from politics, if they really intend to have an influence on society. There needs to be a complementation of parliamentary and extra-parliamentray struggles, she says. Otherwise we face the rise of right-wing populism.
Civil society movements and political parties determine the collective intelligence of societies to cope with the crises. Thus they are central for social systems to become sustainable, resilient, anti-fragile. That’s the crossroads information society needs to pass.