Last minute calls

Austrian computer scientist Christiane Floyd, appointed honorary professor at the Summit’s host institution (“Honorarprofessorin der TU Wien”) where she teaches Philosophy of Science at the Vienna PhD School of Informatics – famous for her STEPS method for participative design and evolutionary prototyping of software and, by the way, the first female professor in informatics in German speaking countries – is one of the founders of the German association Forum Computer Professionals for Peace and Social Responsibility (FIfF) in the 80s. We are very happy to welcome FIfF to our Summit.

Currently they campaign for “cyberpeace“, which is more than the absence of cyberwar. The Track they call for is exactly about that. It is scheduled for Saturday, 6 June 2015. It will tie in with the Expert Discussion with Bishop Michael Bünker on “Just war” and to the talk of Mariarosaria Taddeo and her Track on Informational warfare.


Another call is for artistic works, not for papers. Giovanna Di Rosario, Adjunct Director of the Literary Studies and Digital Technologies Research Group Hermeneia at the Universitat de Barcelona, calls for pieces of e-literature created by artists. The planned exhibition of artworks is co-curated by Kristóf Fenvesy who is one of two moderators of a Track on future education. The artistic works shall relate to that topic. The deadline for submitting those pieces is after the deadline for paper submissions.

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One comment on “Last minute calls
  1. Bill Seaman says:

    I have many generative works. This one is the most relevant.

    Bill Seaman

    Bill Seaman
    Media Researcher and Artist
    Media Arts + Sciences
    Professor, Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies
    Duke University
    Box 90766
    114 S. Buchanan Blvd, Room A260, Bay 10, Durham, NC 27708.
