Yearly Archives: 2015

How social movements can contribute to collective intelligence

Chantal Mouffe, co-initiator and signatory of the Convivialist Manifesto, was invited to give a talk at the University of Vienna: “The future of democracy: How to face the challenge of the protest movements”. The Convivialist Manifesto will be presented at our Summit by

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net:25 – 25 years of internet in Austria

While the Vienna University of Technology celebrates 200 years of existence, the University of Vienna has its 650 years celebration. And 25 years ago the University of Vienna laid the foundations for the Austrian internet – the so-called ACOnet (Austrian Academic Computer

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Perhaps the most remarkable approach towards explaining the unique cognitive capabilities of humans

The latest issue of the German edition of the Scientific American “Spektrum der Wissenschaft” published an article from last September (Scientific American Volume 311, Issue 3) about “What makes Humans Different Than Any Other Species”. The article describes the research programme of

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Computer music and human brains, slime molds and the genes

Eduardo Reck Miranda is a composer who makes use of the computer when composing. That is, he uses algorithmic tools in the composition process. So he resorts to Conway’s Game of Life cellular automata model to generate music. Does this mean

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DNA habitats and their RNA inhabitants

Invited Speaker Günther Witzany‘s new publication: “DNA Habitats and Their RNA Inhabitants”. The Proceedings of an outstanding symposium. Documents a fundamental new understanding of genetic novelty, code-generating, genome-formatting factors, multi-use nature for RNAgents and behavioral motifs of RNA-consortia. An issue of the Annals of the

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The early bird registration countdown is over*

Two months before the Summit we count more than 250 registered participants from all continents (a number that is yet to increase; among others, not all invited speakers have registered by now etc.). So far the participants come from Africa: Algeria and South

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Submit both pdf and word file of your abstract!

As of today the conference system accepts word files too. Please, upload a pdf and a word version as well. The pdf version is used for the review process.

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Upload your accepted abstract as word file only!

Many abstracts have already been accepted, some are still under review. The deadline for notification is approaching – one more week. If your abstract is accepted, you can proceed to the second step of submission. Download the template and bring your

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Austrian Vice Chancellor Patron of the Summit

Dr. Reinhold Mitterlehner has committed his patronage for the Summit. Mitterlehner is not only Federal Minister for Science, Research and Economy, but also Vice Chancellor of Austria. In the middle Dr. Mitterlehner visiting the Intertool 2014 (photo: Christian Husar) A representative of

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Overwhelming response to calls for papers, reviews underway

Apart from the currently 36 invited speeches (a number that will yet increase), 232 submissions by a total of 306 authors have been received by the deadline for open calls. 94 from 232 have already been accepted, the remaining submissions are still under review. The

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