Videos available now

Some sessions have been streamed. Now you can look at the recorded videos under the menu point “Media”: click here.

The Day One at AudiMax was recorded. On Days Two and Three some of the morning sessions were recorded.

The Global Brain Institute made their own recordings.

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A report about the Summit in Deutschlandfunk

Journalist Mariann Unterluggauer who attended our conference wrote the following report on our Summit (in German only):

(photo: Deutschlandfunk)

Click on the picture to link to the article.

Vist also our site on articles and reports.

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A field study book in Subject-oriented Business Process Management (open access)

“If we want stakeholders to become designers actively engaging in socio-technical system development they need adequate support”, says Christian Stary. He is Professor at the Department of Business Information Systems, Kepler University of Linz, Austria, and co-organised a track on self-organized work-systems. Stary informs us about an open access book in that field with Springer. He writes:

“Subject-oriented modeling and execution of processes aims to focus on communication rather than functions. This book describes first experiences in the field.. Each case presents a specific story and focuses on an essential modeling or implementation issue, and most end with implications or suggestions for further studies. Significant variables and success factors are identified that were discovered during the respective study and lead to suggesting modeling and execution novelties.”

See that link for a free download the book.

Also he calls for papers for the Journal of Interaction Science.

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The Summit is over. And what’s next?

New ISIS Board member, Vice President for Education, Yagmur Denizhan at her speech at the Track “As we may teach” (photo: Kristóf Fenyvesi)

ciastellardiAnother presenter, Matteo Ciastellardi, in the same Track (photo: Kristóf Fenyvesi)

The Summit is over. We had a 5 days conversation about the information society and how the study of information can help respond to the challenges of our time.

The Summit was a first endeavour to gather people that want to have a say in shaping the future of our civilisation. Attendees highlighted the positive and negative impacts of applications of findings in information studies and questioning trends of underlying social developments.

They came from a plenty of disciplines and professions, representing a plenty of approaches. They came from 36 countries from all continents. We counted more than 350 completed or confirmed registrations, more than 300 invited speeches or interventions (by more than 60 speakers) or other presentations in plenary and semi-plenary sessions, 3 conference streams or 33 tracks, including a concert and an arts exhibition.

Wolfgang Hofkirchner meets computer artist Jörg Piringer, a former student of his, at the exhibition. In the background a snapshot of Piringer’s generative text video installation unicode infinite (photo: Kristóf Fenyvesi)

The General Assembly of the International Society for Information Studies (ISIS) that was the main organiser of the Summit voted for a new board. Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic from Mälardalen University in Västerås, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg was President Elect and became current President of ISIS for the period 2015–2017. She will chair the ISIS Summit Gothenburg 2017.

The General Assembly voted unanimously for Terrence Deacon from the University of California, Berkeley, as new President Elect. At Gothenburg Deacon will become President for the period 2017–2019. He will chair the Summit in 2019 and bring the ISIS Summit to the “Bay” in the U.S.

The immediate next steps are to facilitate knowledge exchange among the participants and transfer to people not yet involved.

  • Currently we are in the process of putting about 200 extended abstracts ready for publication online.
  • We will also ask for the presentations to be made available, if authors agree.
  • Some streams of the plenary and semi-plenary sessions were recorded. We will put the videos and audios online.
  • If you want to share other videos and photos, contact us. We will collect them under the menu item “Media”.

If you want to write a full paper, visit the Submission site. There is a list of journals that might be appropriate.


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ISIS General Assembly 2015

The General Assembly of the main organiser of the Summit will take place on Saturday, 6 June, 2015, at 20:00 in the “Seminar Room Argentinierstraße”. That room is located in Argentinierstraße 8, ground floor (the entrance is around the corner in Paniglgasse). (It’s the same address as the Arts exhibition.)

People interested in applying for membership are welcome as guests.

Load down the map here.

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Tonight’s concert

Find the programme here.

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Science of Information Institute

The Science of Information Institute with the headquarters in Washington, D. C., sponsored partly the evening reception. We are very grateful for that.


Mary Jo Deering and Dail Doucette provided the following message for us:

“The Science of Information Institute in Washington DC and Europe wishes all the participants here a great welcome. This Summit will generate insights, which will enrich you and all those you encounter, so you all will have an enhanced perspective on Information as a unique subject.

We see Information as a significant trans-disciplinary contributing field of research and development that can help our current times, culture, and higher education institutions to assist society to move beyond the conventional silos of knowledge and educational department structures, into a more holistic understanding. Information in its larger sense should be seen as the great generator, motivator, inter-connector, and manager of all physical, natural, and human systems and activities.

Your insight will not only influence and transform Information as a field of study, but also bring new and enhanced perspectives to traditional fields of academics, business, and governance activities.

Go forth and creatively engage!”

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Art exhibition

The art exhibition will take place at TU Wien, Argentinierstraße 8 (entrance Paniglgasse), 1040 Vienna, on Friday, 5 June, 2015, starting at 20:00.

Load down the map here.

See the programme here.



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Dr Walpurga Antl-Weiser

Dr Antl will accompany our trip to Willendorf. There will be a bus service to and from the excavation site. For the bus you need to register.

On the ship a talk of Mrs Antl is scheduled: Communication and technology of early Homo sapiens in Europe from an archaeological perspective.

Mrs Antl is expert working at the naturhistorisches museum wien.

She informs: “The famous Venus of Willendorf – the site can be visited on Sunday – is part of the prehistoric collection of the Natural History Museum Vienna. Due to the preparation of a completely new presentation of the prehistoric collection the Venus of Willendorf is on display in the exhibition rooms of the mineralogical department of the Natural History Museum. You will find the statuette opposite to the bouquet of gem stones, a donation of Maria Theresia to her husband the Emperor Franz I. Stefan, in Hall IV.”

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Concert on 4 June, 2015: “genetic” and electronic music meets classical music

As already mentioned, we will have a concert on 4 June, 2015, 20:00, in the Festsaal of TU Wien (see venue).

The concert will have two parts, each lasting about an hour, with a break of 15 minutes in between.

The first part is devoted to “genetic” and electronic music.

Ivan Soshinsky (Moscow P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory) performs two of his own compositions: “Five Genetic Miniatures” and the Genetic Etude “The Hot Sea” (accompanied with a slide-show).  He will also give some explanations.

Eduardo Miranda (Computer Music Research, University of Plymouth, UK) presents his musical composition “Grain Streams” that is created for electronic instruments and piano. Konstantin Zenkin (Moscow P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory) performs the piano part, Miranda operates the computer.

The second part is devoted to classical piano music.

Konstantin Zenkin performs some classical music pieces. Zenkin is Vice-rector of Moscow P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory.

Alexander Koblyakov (Dean of  Composer Faculty of Moscow P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory) performs own compositions.

The concert is organised by the Moscow Conservatory, in co-operation with the International Symmetry Association, and sponsored by the Institute for Popular Music from the University for Music Vienna. 

The entrance is free.

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